Summer is in full swing for those in the northern hemisphere! Are we having fun yet? I really hope so! Use this time to connect with those you love the most! Connection is key as the July Chinese Zodiac Sign craves it! The Yin Metal Sheep is coming in strong to teach us about nurturing and compassion for the month of July!

The Sheep is a herd animal and loves to be around its tribe. Known as the Peacemaker, the sheep has traits such as nurturing, caring, gentleness and anxiety. There is also the component of duality. The sheep can also manifest as the Goat. Playful, stubborn and determined. Both of these archetypes will show up this month. We get to choose! I would recommend the gentleness of the sheep.

The natural element that the sheep possesses is Yin Earth. It’s like playing with the sand at the beach. It’s moldable and movable. If you pick up a handful, it can slip through your fingers. The element for the month is Yin Metal. So now we have a metal shovel to scoop the sand with. Metal has the capability to move the earth and reposition it. Earth is also the parent of Metal. So, the Earth is supporting the Metal for the month. Another visual for Yin Metal is making lists and accomplishing those tasks. This month is perfect for that! However, the sheep can get distracted. Stay the course and commit to your list. You can accomplish a lot this month!

If you have an Ox in your chart, lay low! This is a clash of energy. The Ox likes to move in a slow and steady way. It can’t take the roundabout way that the happy baby goat likes to bounce around and jump right on top of its back!

I have a Dog in my health pillar and July has always felt like a drag to me. It’s because The Sheep forms a Penalty to the Dog. Penalties are about looking at yourself. Dogs like to herd the sheep and push them into formation. This month the sheep pushes back! So, learn to go with the flow this month Dogs! This combo is also about Break-up energy. So be intentional in your relationships Dogs, and make sure to communicate! This can be a brand-new start for you!

Rats look out for Damage energy this month. Damages are about mishaps and misfortune. So, watch your health and lay low. Don’t take risks this month. Use the downtime to plan your strategy for the rest of the year!

The Sun is currently in Cancer Season until the 22nd when the fiery Leo steps into center stage. Until then, spend time nurturing your soul and the souls of others. Cancer is known for loving family traditions and get-togethers which are prevalent in July. Enjoy!

The New Moon at 14° Cancer is on July 5th! Cancer illuminates our needs for safety and security. So, with this new moon, set some intentions that are focused on your idea of safety. This is also a good moon for listing your house to sell if you are interested in buying or selling real estate. Look at your chart and find 14° Cancer. Which house in your chart is the new moon energy located? In my chart, 14° Cancer is in my 7th House of Marriage and Relationships. I’ll be setting intentions and goals regarding my marriage and business partnerships and nurturing my hubby and spending time with him!

The Full Moon at 29° Capricorn is on the 21st. Capricorn rules structure, business and achievement. Full Moon means letting go of things holding you back. Take a look at the areas of life where you want to achieve more and let go of anything holding you back from that! This is a great moon for releasing business practices that are not working for you. The Full Moon is illuminating my 2nd House of Values and Money. This is a great moon to practice rituals surrounding money and letting go of limiting beliefs surrounding abundance.

The winged God Mercury flies into the sign of fiery Leo on the 2nd. Mercury is in Fall when it transits the sign of Leo. Meaning that it doesn’t feel the most comfortable in that sign. Mercury is all about the mind and communication and Leo is about attention. This month there will be a lot of talking and not much listening. It will be a great time to practice active listening to avoid any conflicts that are possible.

The major aspect happening this month will be Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Mars represents action while Uranus represents unexpected events. Put the two of these together, and you have lots of unexpected events. This will be active from the 11th to the 16th. Taurus is the sign of grounded stability. Unexpected change is the hardest for Taurus to handle. You might see some weather and world events in the headlines during this time. The key for this energy is to roll with the punches as well as you can. It will be intense!

Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde, slowing down the second half of the year after the first half seemed to fly by! This is a great time to see what the planets have in store for you. Please reach out for a reading if you need help navigating the energy!